The plunge of the Major Music Labels (New York Times report)… the end of...
Good reporting from the NYT, as usual. Some of my favorite morsels are below, plus my comments. Link: Music Labels – EMI – New York Times. NYT: "Despite costly efforts to build buzz around new talent...
View ArticleRadiohead knows where the real revenue comes from
Great to see a band of this stature make a bold move like this. Radiohead has released their latest album "In Rainbows" online and for free, if you want it. They will also accept whatever amount you...
View ArticleSurvey of British Youth
British Music Rights survey on music consumption of people aged 14-24. The average age of respondents was 22. This is the largest UK academic survey of its kind. * 14-24 year olds love music – arguably...
View ArticleReconciling the Value of Music
I had the good fortune of meeting Matthew Daniel of R2G in China a couple of weeks ago. He presented his thoughts on the Chinese music market and reconciling the intrinsic value of music over there. It...
View ArticleEconomics of SOPA from Indie Rap Artist MC Lars
Here is a guest post excerpt from my friend and artist MC Lars from the Huffington Post UK. “In last week’s State of the Union, President Obama stressed the importance of creatively revitalising our...
View ArticleThe Front End of the Donkey
You gotta love Neil’s honesty. We owe it all to artists to stand up to what they believe in and drive us forward. Without them, we would have nothing. “Still the searcher must ride the dark horse...
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